After several decades of predatory exploitation of people and the earth's resources, more and more people are waking up to an increased awareness of how we live and work.
The world needs leaders who show the way into a new era
If you have dreams and ambitions to change the world, you must start with yourself.
I invite you who are ready for the transformation.
In new time leadership, the driving force is guided by the heart and head. Trust, cooperation and joy are central values.
Our consciousness characterizes choices and decisions within the entire value chain.
My ambition is to inspire you to make a difference through your presence and your leadership.
I offer mentoring, workshops and in-depth transformational leadership programs.
From doing less harm - to doing more good
Navigating in todays complex landscapes
needs a total new perspektive in leaderships skills
Davos 2024: "The future of sustainable business is regenereation"